

Quad9 Announces Advisory Council to Consider Human Rights Impacts

On Sunday, April the 28th, the eve of the NetMundial+10 convergence in Sao Paulo, the recursive DNS resolver Quad9 launched an advisory council to tackle questions of human rights impacts, especially on privacy and equity for its global user base around the world. The Privacy Equity and Human Rights (PEHR) council will be made up of an array of experts in their fields, and we appreciate the diverse points of view their differing backgrounds provide.

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Quad9 Joins Forces with InQuest to Supercharge DNS Security Through Advanced Threat Intelligence

Quad9, the global non-profit DNS service that prioritizes user privacy and security, has announced a partnership with InQuest, a leader in cyber threat analysis and intelligence. By integrating InQuest's sophisticated threat intelligence into Quad9's DNS filtering service, this collaboration promises to enhance internet safety for users worldwide by proactively blocking access to malicious domains. During its testing phase, this integration contributed to more than 20 million blocks per day, showcasing the partnership's potential to significantly impact cyber security on a global scale.

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Rack of servers and networking equipment, lit with white light from the back.

Quad9 Cyber Insights: from Malawi

Quad9's Post-Deployment Observations of Malawi's Cybersecurity Landscape. Quad9 is a global DNS service that offers enhanced cybersecurity measures, privacy protection, and improved Internet performance. Quad9's arrival in Malawi marks a pivotal advancement in fortifying the country's digital infrastructure, bringing with it enhanced cybersecurity safeguards, robust privacy protection, and a boost in Internet performance.

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Italienische Sperrungsforderungen: Einem Schlechten Beispiel Folgen

Während unser Fall in Deutschland zu Gunsten von Quad9 entschieden wurde, erhielten wir einen weiteren Antrag von kommerziellen Interessen in einem EU-Land auf Sperrung von Domainnamen, wiederum auf der Grundlage angeblicher Urheberrechtsverletzungen. Italienische Anwälte haben uns eine Liste von Domains und einen Antrag auf Sperrung dieser Domains übermittelt. Nun müssen wir erneut entscheiden, wie wir in diesem Rechtsstreit vorgehen wollen, und das in einem anderen Land, in dem wir weder unseren Sitz noch eine Niederlassung haben.

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Quad9 gewinnt das Berufungsverfahren beim OLG Dresden

Der heutige Tag ist ein positiver Moment in unseren Bemühungen um die Erhaltung des Internets als neutrale und vertrauenswürdige Ressource für alle. Das Oberlandesgericht Dresden hat heute entschieden, dass die Berufung in unserem Fall gegen Sony Entertainment (Deutschland) erfolgreich war. Das Gericht hat klar und unmissverständlich zu Gunsten von Quad9 entschieden. Wir freuen uns natürlich sehr über diese Nachricht.

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SISA and Quad9 Join Forces to Enhance DNS Cybersecurity

As a member of the Swiss Internet Security Alliance (SISA), we will make a (further) contribution to ensure that Switzerland is the most secure internet country in the world. Together with SISA, we will help to raise public awareness of potential dangers in relation to internet use and internet-connected devices.

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Rack of servers and networking equipment, lit with white light from the back.

Quad9 Cybersecurity Trends and Insights | Q3 2023

In the third quarter, our users were targeted by a variety of threats, including phishing, banking trojans, crypto-malware, and stalkerware. This quarterly report analyses the top malicious domains blocked by Quad9 DNS and the threats associated with them. For more detailed data on the specific threat categories and volumes of attempted access, please refer to the dedicated sections of this report.

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Quad9 & Sony Music: German Injunction Update for July 2023

Quad9 has been part of a potentially precedent-setting legal case involving Sony Music Entertainment (Germany). The suit involves Sony’s demand that Quad9 block DNS resolution for our users for a specific domain, unrelated to Quad9, on which Sony asserts there are web-based links that lead to copyright-infringing content.

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Will AI Accelerate Cybersecurity and Privacy Threats?

While AI tools have the ability to enhance security measures and combat threats, they can also be misused by threat actors to accelerate the deployment of malicious tools and increase the frequency of attacks. However, AI can be used to predict, identify, and combat cybersecurity threats and it can also serve as a cybersecurity advisor for average internet users. Users should still take precautionary measures to protect their online privacy and security, including using cybersecurity-focused DNS resolvers like Quad9.

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Quad9 Cybersecurity Trends and Insights | May 2023

This month, Quad9 will begin presenting the region's top identified and blocked threats. In April 2023, we observed three areas where users were targeted with DDoS, crypto-miners, and banking trojans.

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