A Organização Não Governamental de Segurança de Internet Quad9 Nomeia Timo Koster para Diretor de Estratégia
A Quad9 anuncia a nomeação de Timo Koster para Diretor de Estratégia
Leia o artigo completo ▸A Quad9 anuncia a nomeação de Timo Koster para Diretor de Estratégia
Leia o artigo completo ▸May 10, 2022 -- Miami, (USA) / Zürich (Switzerland) EdgeUno and Quad9 today announced their partnership where EdgeUno is supplying Quad9 with servers and network connectivity in several locations throughout Latin America to further expand the global reach of their DNS security service.
Leia o artigo completo ▸i3D.net’s low-latency network enables a better experience for Quad9 users. We can attribute about 30 million blocking events in the past month to these i3D.net sites.
Leia o artigo completo ▸AI-powered engine brings predictive intelligence to Quad9 protective DNS to deliver unprecedented early identification of threats.
Leia o artigo completo ▸Liberdade Global da Internet Ameaçada pela Decisão Judicial sobre Direitos de Autor Direcionada a Operador DNS Não Relacionado
Leia o artigo completo ▸The non-profit Swiss DNS provider Quad9, has filed an objection against an interim injunction (310 O 99/21) obtained by Sony Music Germany from the Hamburg Regional Court. This injunction requires Quad9 to implement network blocks that has the potential to set a precedent for other Internet organizations which are drawn into a copyright case in Germany as well as other EU nations.
Leia o artigo completo ▸Australia’s leading IP Transit and Security as a Service company, Global Secure Layer (GSL), today announced its new global partnership with Quad9.
Leia o artigo completo ▸John Todd, the executive director of the nonprofit DNS provider Quad9, wrote in an email that “this threat is/was quite real,” but also noted that it’s “somewhat complex to deploy and leaves some fingerprints,” since the attacker would have to run their own DNS domains.
Leia o artigo completo ▸Support for the DNS-over-HTTPS protocol has landed this week in Windows Insiders, Microsoft’s experimental version of Windows, where the company tests new features before making them broadly available.
Leia o artigo completo ▸If you have been waiting to try DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on Windows 10, you’re in luck: the first testable version is now available to Windows Insiders!
Leia o artigo completo ▸Por favor registe-se para receber atualizações e anúncios relativamente aos serviços Quad9